The meaning of all LGBT rainbow flags
The meaning of all LGBT rainbow flags
In 1978, an artist named Gilbert Baker created the first rainbow flag representing LGBT+ in the forum
He created the first rainbow flag, but did not register the copyright to make money. This also made him lose an opportunity to become a millionaire. He made the flag he created for anyone to use. Become a gift to the world.
Agender Pride Flag
The agender pride flag, created by Salem X in 2014, has seven horizontal stripes. The black and white stripes represent an absence of gender, the gray represents semi-genderlessness, and the central green stripe represents nonbinary genders.
Straight ally Flag
An ally, straight ally, or heterosexual ally is a heterosexual and cisgender person who supports equal civil rights, gender equality, and LGBT social movements, challenging homophobia, biphobia, and transphobia.Not everyone who meets this definition identifies as an "ally", however.
The ‘Straight Ally Flag’ celebrates all straight and cisgender people who are proud allies of the LGBT+ community. It’s thought to date from the late 2000s.
The black and white stripes represent heterosexual genders. Meanwhile the A-shaped rainbow stands for both ‘ally’ and ‘activist’, championing their active role in advancing LGBT+ rights and inclusion.
Other ‘straight’ flags have been used against the LGBT+ community, but this one shows how our friends, families and colleagues support us.